Singapore is an island, a city-state located in East Asia and, more specifically, in theMalay peninsula.
Center of commercial and financial exchange between the Pacific area and Europe, Singapore is akey destination for foreign investors.
This jurisdiction maintains an image of prestige and seriousness thanks to an economy in fullgrowth and a legal and fiscal policy conducive to the creation of companies in sectors ofvery varied activity.
• There are no limitations regarding the number of shareholders, their residence or theirnationality. A single shareholder may be sufficient but there must beMandatory at least one director resident in Singapore.
• There is no minimum capital requirement nor is it mandatory to "lock" it in a bank account.
• The companies are adapted to all types of legal activity and can be carried outactivities related to finance, online games, banking or insurance after obtaining thecorresponding license. A company can carry out several activities.
• Companies can be managed from another country. For example, all meetingsshareholder officers and managers can be held abroad.
Due to the numerous treaties signed to avoid double taxation and protect investments(for example, with France, Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Switzerland, etc.), Singapore does notappears on the OECD black list.
• A company created in Singapore pays a 17% income tax, which can bebe reduced to 0% depending on the benefits obtained.
• A company does not pay taxes on dividends or capital gains obtained inabroad.
• You must pay a fixed annual fee of a few hundred euros.
• Likewise, companies are not obliged to maintain or present their accounting.
• Discretion: Shareholders and directors who create a company are registered in the registrylocal. However, a "nominated" front man system can be established, both forshareholders as well as the manager.