Despite the financial crisis, Poland is enjoying a period of constant economic growth (4.2%in 2011), one of the most positive in the EU.
In order to stabilize its economy, the Polish Government has implemented a whole set ofmeasures to encourage foreign investment.
Through tax breaks and lower interest rates, Poland has been able toposition itself as a great platform within the financial sector and currently maintains an image
serious and reliable in the European market.
It should be remembered that Poland maintains close commercial relations with Spain, especiallyin the import / export sector.
The best known form for the creation of SMEs in Poland is the "sp. Z oo", similar to the Society ofLimited Liability:
• There are no limitations regarding the number of shareholders, their residence or theirnationality. A single shareholder can be enough. However, it is necessary to have aadministrator / director.
• Minimum capital required of € 12,728.00.- payable in full at the time of theConstitution.
• The companies are adapted to all types of legal activity and can be carried outactivities related to finance, online games, banking or insurance after obtaining thecorresponding license. A company can carry out several activities.
• Companies can be managed from another country. For example, all meetingsshareholder officers and managers can be held abroad.
• A company created in Poland pays a tax or duty on profits of 19%.
You must also pay a fixed annual fee based on your capital.
• Tax on dividends of 19%, on interests of 20% and on royalties of 20%. Theserates may be lower in case of tax convention.
• Convention with France against double taxation.
• Likewise, companies are not obliged to maintain or present their accounting.